Monday, June 13, 2005

Water Into Wine

One of my favorite stories in the Scriptures is the Wedding at Cana. The story comes from John 2:1-11. It's the first miracle of Jesus and the start of his ministry on earth. What I love about this is that he kicks off his ministry at a party with family and friends. Of course, I also like that fact that he makes wine. Being a person that enjoys the occasional glass of wine with dinner, I respect Jesus as being the best wine-maker of all time! We all know that Jesus can only do things perfectly, so I bet the wine he made was the best wine ever made. Now, there's all kinds of debate about whether or not it was really wine or simply grape juice. I believe that Jesus made wine, not juice. Jesus himself said that people called him a drunkard and a glutton because he came eating and drinking. He was pretty much the life of the party. The mere fact that Jesus was invited to this wedding party indicates that he was the kind of guy people wanted to have around...And not just because he had the power to change water into wine. As believers called to share the love of Christ with all around us, wouldn't it be great if we got invited to parties where we could be around people that don't know the love of Christ and we could befriend them and help bring them closer to Christ? Wouldn't it be great if Christians were known as the life of the party, the kind of people you want around in order to have fun? Okay, that's enough rambling for today! Posted by Hello

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