Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Jury Duty and Writing Sermons

Well, wouldn't you know it...the day I really planned to use to work on this Sunday's teaching would be the same time I have jury duty. I've been called for jury duty (I guess they call it summoned for duty) four times since January. Three out of four times I've received a phone call the night before saying the trial was cancelled or postponed. But, this week, when I've got work to do...yeah, that's the time it goes through. So, I spent the majority of my day sitting in a court room listening to some lawyers explain things over and over and ask stupid questions. Well, I finally got my turn in the jurors seat for questioning. Well, I think my brutal honesty (I told them I really didn't want to be there, that I'd rather be drinking coffee and working on my sermon) and the fact that the crime was committed by someone that has family where my wife teaches helped get me off. So, just after lunch time, I was excused from jury duty. Praise God!

Well, that means I'm a little behind on my sermon planning. I know that I'm going to be talking about serving...but, I'm not sure what direction I'm going to take with it...There are many ways I could go about it...So, you'll just have to come to church on Sunday and find out. Hopefully the rest of the week will go well and I'll get this stuff worked out.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Oops...I Did It Again!

From the title of today's entry, you're probably thinking that I'm going to be writing about my favorite Britney Spears song! Well, though I've entertained the thought, I won't be writing about Britney today (I know how disappointed some of you must be).

Yesterday, I went on a bit of a rant against Burger King...the home of all that is evil in the dietary world. I wrote about how their new "enormous" breakfast sandwich is going to help many fast food connoisseurs get one step closer to totally artery blockage. Well, this morning, I was a bit convicted for having written that. Why? Well, I'm glad you asked...Really, there are two reasons.

Reason One- Upon realizing my need to get into the office earlier than usual, I decided to stop off at the gas station and pick up something quick for breakfast. As I walked in, there was a beautiful display of Concannon's donuts that I had to walk past in order to get to the coffee. Well, they have all kinds of granola, nutri-grain, and other health bars I could have purchased. But, man, those donuts just looked SO good. Well, needless to say, I couldn't resist the donuts and grabbed my favorite creme-filled long john...oh yeah, it was everything I thought it could be and more. But, as I sit here typing this out, my stomach is making all kinds of bizarre noises...not the typical noise of digestion...but strange too-much-sugar-this-early noises. Point of conviction...Is the donut any better than the "enormous" breakfast sandwich. Sure, I could do some research and find out how many calories are in each and all that garbage. But, as I sit here growing more uncomfortable with every passing second, I would find it difficult to justify my donut consumption as somehow superior to those that succumb to the temptation of the "enormous" breakfast sandwich. So, my conclusion, even though I have this huge thing against Burger King (well, I don't have it out for them as much as I do Starbuck's...but that a whole entry to come on its own time), I still consume a lot of bad stuff...So, it's a bit ridiculous for me to stand against Burger King while I eat tons and tons of Easter candy (those darn Cadbury eggs are so stinkin' good...they have a strange power over me), and all kinds of other foods that I know weren't designed for consumption when our Heavenly Father created this great earth.

Reason Two- As I was doing my morning devotions, I read Colossians 2. There were some verses that really stood out to me and my bashing of Burger King. "So don't let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new-moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. For these rules were only shadows of the real thing, Christ himself. Don't let anyone condemn you by insisting on self-denial...You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the evil powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as 'Don't handle, don't eat, don't touch.' Such rules are mere human teaching about things that are gone as soon as we use them. These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, humility, and severe bodily discipline. But they have no effect when it comes to conquering a person's evil thoughts and desires" (Colossians 2:16-18, 20-23). The Jewish people have certain laws they follow...most given through the Old Testament (though a few have been given by man throughout the years). Some of these rules have to do with one's diet and the holidays and festivals that are celebrated. To be a Jew is to follow the Law. But, here, Paul is reminding us that we have been set free from the Law and should not worry about being judged by others based on what we eat and how we celebrate and worship. Our worship, traditions, celebrations, and yes...even what we eat...can bring us close to God, but we should never sit in the seat of judgment towards other Christians that worship differently than us. The main thing...the most important thing is that we worship Christ. Our worship is every minute, every action, and every thought of every day. Though I do believe that what one eats and drinks can have an effect on their worship, it's not the same for everyone. I have a problem with Whoppers, "enormous" breakfast sandwiches, and Cadbury easter eggs, but some of you may not. A hot issue is the consumption of alcohol. It can definitely harm people and interfere with ones worship if not used properly. However, those who can consume it in appropriate manners and not over-consume, well, I don't really see a problem with that. See, it's not in what we eat or what we's about our faith and where our heart is...If eating a Whopper gets in the way of your faith (or whatever else may stand in the way), stay away from it like the plague.

So, for those of you that can handle the Whopper, I apologize for my rampage. And, I apologize for my hypocritical actions in calling out those that will consume an "enormous" breakfast sandwich while I eat "enormous" donuts. Have a great day!

Monday, March 28, 2005

For The Drummers Out There...A Sad Day

Well, drummers, it's a sad day as one of our own has taken his own life. Pray for the family and friends of our brother drummer.

The Complete Story Here:
Crowded House Drummer Suicide

Burger King...You're The Devil

So, many of you know that I have sworn off Burger King after my last encounter with the "Home of the Whopper." Well, it appears that they do have a total lack of concern for the health of American consumers. Instead of offering healthier options for our obese nation...Burger King is launching an "enormous" breakfast sandwich. It's a sad day for fast food consumers...unless you're into the whole eating until you're uncomfortable sort of thing.

Here's a link to an article about the sandwich:

Burger King Enormous Sandwich

Brutal Honesty Psalm 88

“God, you’re my last chance of the day. I spend the night on my knees before you. Put me on your salvation agenda; take notes on the trouble I’m in. I’ve had my fill of trouble; I’m camped on the edge of hell. I’m written off as a lost cause, one more statistic, a hopeless case. Abandoned as already dead, one more body in a stack of corpses, and not so much as a gravestone – I’m a black hole in oblivion. You’ve dropped me into a bottomless pit, sunk me in a pitch-black abyss. I’m battered senseless by your rage, relentlessly pounded by your waves of anger. You turned my friends against me, made me horrible to them. I’m caught in a maze and can’t find my way out, blinded by tears of pain and frustration…I’m standing my ground, God, shouting for help, at my prayers every morning, on my knees each daybreak. Why, God, do you turn a deaf ear? Why do you make yourself scarce? For as long as I remember I’ve been hurting; I’ve taken the worst you can hand out, and I’ve had it. Your wildfire anger has blazed through my life; I’m bleeding, black and blue. You’ve attacked me fiercely from every side, raining down blows till I’m nearly dead. You made lover and neighbor alike dump me; the only friend I have left is Darkness.” (Psalm 88, The Message)

Well, now that I have your attention! Wow…talk about an honest conversation with God. The writer of Psalm 88 pretty much just lets it all out here! So much for holding back…this is brutal honesty. It seems like the writer has found himself overwhelmed with no answer from the One he cries out to.

Have you ever been in that position? You find your back up against the wall…you can’t take it any more…you cry out to God for help…and, you hear nothing in return? I know there have been times in my life where I’ve been in this position. We experience moments in life where we are completely overwhelmed with all that this life throws at us…and we cry out to God…and all we hear is silence. I often will cry out, “God, are you listening to me? If you are, why don’t you say something…anything…please!!!”

Often, I’m prone to just give up. I cry out to God and I hear nothing in return…So, I give up. But, that’s not the case with the writer of this Psalm. He doesn’t give up…Instead, he cries out with more intensity and passion. He holds nothing back…He opens up completely to God. Too often, I’m tempted to hold back because I’m afraid that I might offend God. That doesn’t seem to be an issue for this Psalm writer! It shows us the need for us to address God even when it appears that God isn’t answering. This Psalm calls us to remain faithful, even when it appears that God is absent. We have to remember that sometimes God is answering, but our eyes aren’t completely open to what He’s showing. But, there are times He remains silent in order to take us through something that will help us grow and mature. The main thing is to remain faithful…to keep addressing the only One that can deliver us from our troubles.

This is a brutally honest Psalm…it’s kind of dark and almost disturbing. But, if you keep reading through the Psalms…everything quickly changes. The first verse of Psalm 89 says, “I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.” In the midst of our trials, it is important to continually address our Father in honest dialogue…and it is equally important to give him all the praise and glory He is due.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Allergies Really...Well, They Suck!

Man, I'm miserable. Why? Because my allergies are driving me nuts. Hmmm...well, it's funny that my allergies are driving me nuts...because some crushed peanuts are probably part of the problem. See, it's been discovered that I have an allergy to nuts. Even the smell of peanut butter can send me into a little spell. But, today, this episode just sucks. It seems that as soon as I blow my brains out (at least that's what it feels like I'm doing), I'm back looking for more tissue paper to catch the drainage. And, my head feels like it's about to explode. Of course, as Emily pointed out to me, I could have avoided the whole mess by simply avoiding the peanuts...but, I couldn't because they happened to be on my absolute favorite dessert...banana pudding...the family's killer, man! And, in the's worth the pain and suffering of my allergy flare-up. I mean, in the morning I'll feel better...and I'll probably have some banana pudding for breakfast.

On another note, Emily and I cooked hotdogs over a fire tonight in the backyard. It was a lot of fun! Sure, it may be a little cold and wet outside...but the fire was awesome! I can't wait for the true spring to get here so we can have more backyard fires!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ugh...and Yuck

Well, today is the deadline for the Center Chapel newsletter and I'm drawing a blank. I'm truly having a major struggle trying to come up with something profound to write about...Okay, that's assuming that I have ever had anything profound to write (which probably isn't the case).

What I really want to write about is how excited I am about the new Coldplay album that comes out in June. Only one other time have I been this anxious about a record release. That was when the Beastie Boys released "Hello Nasty." It was their first album in 6 years. I was the youth pastor at Yorktown UMC at the time and we were at Sr. High Institute at the time. Another youth pastor, Ryan "Gern" Gernand (hmm...I wonder where the nickname came from), and I had some "business" to take care of on Tuesday of camp. Honestly, we had to take my sisters video camera back to Muncie. And, while we were in town, it wouldn't hurt anyone if we stopped off at the Discount Den and picked up the Beastie CD. It was well worth it as we rocked out the whole way back to camp...and then throughout the week. The new Coldplay album will definitely be worthy of a trip to the Discount Den for a cheap CD purchase (Of course, the Den can't really beat Best Buy's week of release prices...they have great deals...But, I'll probably still buy the disc at the Den in order to support the little guy and not give in to the big corporate monster that provides quality goods at a cheap price).

Oh, and I'd also like to write about how I'm absolutely thrilled to learn that Radiohead is going to hit the studio soon to record a new album...a follow up to the 2003 "Hail to the Thief" album. I saw Radiohead at Alpine Valley in Wisconsin on that about an amazing live performance. Thom Yorke was bizarre and amazing all at the same time! I love Radiohead and can't wait to find out when the new album will come out.

But, instead, I'll probably head back to the office and read through some passages of Scripture and write some kind of uplifting or maybe even challenging devotion for April's newsletter.

Oh, if you're looking for something bizarre and a little disgusting...check out this article from CNN about Wendy's chili.

CNN on Wendy's Chili

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Relaxing Getaway

Well, I haven't written for a number of days because I've been without my computer. I know, it's pretty hard to believe that I would be anywhere without my computer. But, Emily and I decided to getaway for a relaxing retreat...which means no computer to distract me from enjoying some peace and quiet.

We went to Pokagon State Park, just north of Ft. Wayne (yes, I realize it gets colder the farther north you go). We rented a room in a cabin for a couple of was great! We hiked every day...and pretty much exhausted ourselves. We went shopping at the Fremont Outlets (pretty much a useless outlet, except for the Gap store and a couple of shoe places). We ate at my favorite restaurant, The Herb Garden. It's just off State Road 120, east of I69. If you happen to be in that area and stop in the Herb've got to try the yam fries. I hate sweet potatoes...but these things are me! We ate at the Potawotami (or however you spell it) Inn restaurant several times...We hit Bennigan's...We visited the Satek winery...It's a cool little place with some might fine wines...We read books in a big lodge-like room in the Inn...We went to bed early and slept in...We got away from the hustle-and-bustle of life in Muncie. It was great...Totally relaxing. We didn't have a schedule and just did whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. On the way home, we stopped off in Ft. Wayne and went to the mall, Borders, and Joe's Crab Shack. Last night, when we got home, we went for a walk around the Ball State campus. After our walk, I made dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm. It was a perfectly relaxing getaway.

Well, I know that I didn't write anything thought provoking. But, I just thought I'd share why I haven't written in a few days. I'll get back to normal (whatever that is) in the near future.

Friday, March 18, 2005

The Quietness of a Coffee Shop

This morning, I've been working on my sermon for Sunday. It's going pretty well. I like to work at coffee houses because they are usually quite places where one can disappear in a corner, relax, drink coffee, and work. Well, that's not really the case today.

There are reasons Emily and I don't have children yet...Mainly because I'm not ready for them (not that we don't want children...we both just realize that now isn't the time). Kids drive me crazy. I know people say that it's different when they are your own...but, I still think I'll be extremely annoyed if my kids are loud and out of control.

There are some loud children in the particular place I'm working this morning. And, not only are there loud children, there are annoying parents that aren't doing anything about it. The "adults" are busy talking and ignoring their the wee ones run throughout the coffee house yelling, screaming, and crying. I feel for the parents because they've probably put up with this kind of stuff that they've grown numb...they have learned to block out the decibel levels that their children are reaching.

Coffee houses are supposed to be quiet places where people read, write, have quiet discussions, relax. I can feel my muscles tensing up...I can feel myself getting stressed out. I just want to stand up and yell, "Shut Up! Shut Up Already! Not another peep out of you! I can't take it anymore!" Then, of course, I would look like an insensitive jerk (which may not be too far from the truth)!

So, I'm going to wrap things up here and head to a place I know will be quiet and there won't be any annoying children to bug the snot out of me...The Heorot! Heorot, take me away!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Day and Selfishness

Well, top of the mornin' to ya! It's St. Patrick's Day! I love St. Patrick's Day! I hope you all have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!!!

My St. Patrick's Day started off with some reading. While reading, I was reminded of Philippians 2:3-4. These are some verses that I wish we could just choose to ignore. Wouldn't that be nice? If we could just choose which parts of the Bible to follow, life as a Christian would be much easier! I mean, I could get rid of all the things that talk about language...taming the tongue and all. That would make things easier. And, I could get rid of verses like Philippians 2:3-4...then I could be as selfish as I want to be and not worry about it.

But, the truth is, we can't just pick and choose which parts of the Bible we think we should apply to our lives. We need the whole picture! I know that it seems like the modern church really only focuses on parts of the Bible at times, but as followers of Christ, we need to reclaim the authority of Scripture (okay, I'm starting to get on my, I better stop with that stuff here and just get on with Philippians 2:3-4).

Philippians 2:3-4 says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."

No thank you! I mean, that's sort of my honest answer. On the surface, I give the, "yes, this is good...I need to stop being selfish...I need to consider others better than myself...I need to look to the interests of others." But, in reality I'm thinking, "Man, each person for himself. I'll take care of take care of yourself. I'll take care of my interests...Me, ME, MMMMMEEEEEEEE!!!"

Then, as I prayerfully consider this passage, I am convicted about my selfish nature. Honestly, we live in a selfish society...many people have the "I'm looking out for number one" attitude...we focus on what we can get for ourselves rather than what we can give to others...I'm guilty of this. When I have free time, I'm not looking for ways to serve others...I'm looking for ways to enjoy my time doing something for myself.

As I read Philippians 2:3-4, I have this feeling on my heart that I need to change. I need to put myself aside and look to how I can "consider others better than" myself...and ways I can show it. I can sit here all day and talk about how I consider others better than myself...but if I'm not doing anything about it do I really consider others better than myself???

Anyway...just some rambling thoughts...I hope that I can be less selfish today and the days to come.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Coffee...Ah, The Memories

Whenever I enjoy a nice cup of coffee, it conjures up many a nice memory. I remember the first trip I made to a coffee house. I was in high school...either a junior or senior (you can see how well my memory works!)...and my friends and I made a trip to the MT Cup on the Ball State University campus. We all tried to play it we knew what we were doing. I'm sure we weren't fooling anyone...We were just a bunch of skater punks that had noticed a new business was open where we could loiter and perhaps use their restroom facilities.

So, we walked into the MT Cup and there were all kinds of college students around...and they all gave us that annoyed "here come the skaters" look. We walked up to the counter and started placing orders like we were coffee pros, which none of us were. At this point in my life, I had tasted coffee candy and coffee ice cream...I thought both were disgusting! As I stood in line and listened to my non-coffee drinking friends order mochas, lattes, grande machiattos, and other drinks with grand names, I became slightly intimidated. It was at that moment that I remembered reading in a book or a magazine (I think it was in Cigar friends and I were in to cigars!) that ordering and drinking espresso elevated ones level of coolness.

As I ordered the double shot of espresso, the girl at the counter looked at me and said, "Do you know what you're doing?" I answered, "Of course! I drink this stuff all the time...ALL THE TIME!" My friends were impressed...I ordered a double shot of thick, pure, unadulterated espresso...and they had just ordered these sweet girlie drinks...wimps. Of course, at this point, I still had no clue what a double shot of espresso was...and then the drinks came out.

My friends "girlie" drinks were pretty! They had whipped cream, chocolate and caramel dripped all over...oh, and they were HUGE. Then came the double shot of espresso...Originally, I thought the drink would be ridiculously huge, given the size of my friends drinks and that I had ordered a double. So, imagine my surprise when I was handed this tiny cup on a saucer...It looked like a three year old girls tea set...and a double shot of espresso sure didn't look like much.

We took our seats and my friends began to enjoy their sweet coffee concoctions, leaving mustaches of whipped cream...which my friends were extremely proud of. I took my first sip of the espresso and thought to myself, "I think the barista filled my cup with raw sewage or dirt or something that a human being should not consume." Then, I took a few more sips and my taste-buds either got used to the taste or simply had become comfortably my surprise, I was enjoying the liquid dirt I was consuming. Not only did I begin to enjoy the espresso, I enjoyed the side-effects that came with the consumption of said espresso. I could get a nice caffeine rush without having to drink a huge bottle of Mt. Dew.

Eventually, I branched out from the double shot of espresso. I learned early on in my coffee drinking experience that I do not enjoy sweet coffee drinks. I like my coffee black and strong. However, I don't like my coffee hot. I tend to enjoy my coffee at room temperature...I'm not a fan of hot drinks...they make me sweaty!

I've now become somewhat of a coffee snob. My coffee beans are purchased whole, as close to the roasting date as possible, and freshly ground prior to brewing. I want nothing to do with Folgers or any of that $5 for a can the size of Montana...sure it's a value...but is it worth the pain of having coffee that tastes like nothing. I won't go to Starbucks...that's a whole post of its own...let's just say they are an evil corporate empire that burn coffee beans when they roast them and tell the consumer to like it because it's fast and hot.

Anyway...I love coffee! It started out on the wrong foot...the double shot of espresso didn't work me into a love for coffee was sort of an in-your-face introduction to the world of coffee. But, I wouldn't go back and change it for the world.

Well, my cup is empty...time to go get a refill!

Monday, March 14, 2005


I don't really listen to Christian music...I like a lot of the modern praise music. But, I pretty much can't stand to listen to Christian radio...unless they're a cool station that just happens to play some Switchfoot, John Reuben, or Kirk Franklin. However, for the most part, I avoid Christian music like the plague. It's not that I'm against Christian music...I just think most of it really stinks. It's not creative...many bands try to sound "just like" other secular bands. The music is over-produced and in a simple word...cheesy! There are some Christian bands out there really trying to bring some quality music into the scene...but, they just don't get the airtime that other bands receive. It's like the people marketing Christian music say to the consumer..."Here's some crap...we hope you like it!" It's as if, because we're Christians, we're supposed to lack a discerning ear for quality simply because the message is "Christian." I believe God is the most creative Being ever. So, if Christian music is to honor Him...shouldn't it be the best art ever?

Anyway, today I accidentally started listening to one of the local Christian stations...(it was on a commercial break...when the music started, I had a clue). As I heard the voice of Chris Rice, I immediately began to reach for the dial. However, as I continued to listen, I realized he was singing a song called "Becky." I had never heard this song...And, in all honesty, I'll probably never hear it again. But, at that moment, as I heard the name "Becky" come through the airwaves...I immediately began to pray for my senior pastors wife, Becky.

Becky is in the midst of a battle with cancer. She has a brain tumor that the doctors are going to try to remove part of through a surgery on Tuesday. They will also implant some chemo wafers to try to help reduce the size of the tumor. There are a lot of risks involved in the surgery. I can't imagine what the family is going through. But, as I heard this song, I prayed for Becky. I prayed that God would make the impossible possible. I prayed that God would perform a miracle and heal Becky!

I hope you will join me and our entire church in praying for Becky...for peace, comfort, healing, and ultimately God's will and that He will receive all the glory through this whole procedure.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Horrible Flashback...

As I'm sitting here at Panera, I'm experiencing a horrible flashback...Looking out the window, all I can see is the Burger King drive thru. This drive thru is responsible for my gluttonous rampage just yesterday afternoon. Hmm...don't you like how I place the blame on the drive thru itself instead of taking responsibility for my own actions.

Well, this flashback just serves as a reminder...Don't eat at Burger'll only regret it!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Oh, Burger King!!!

Have you ever done something that you thought would be absolutely wonderful, but it left you feeling miserable? I had such an experience just within the last hour. It's name is "The Whopper" and its home is known as "Burger King."

My wife, Emily, and I don't usually eat at Burger King or other "fast food" joints. Now, we do eat out too much...but McDonald's, BK, and the like just don't make our list very often. Many know that I have a huge weakness for Taco Bell...but, with Emily's help, I've gotten better. But, I still can't say "Taco Bell" without a huge smile taking over my face.

Well, back to "The Whopper" from Burger King. I was on my way to the bank...and, in order to get to the particular branch I was going to do my business at, I had to drive by a Burger King. I saw the sign in all of its grandeur and it beckoned me. "Jason, you haven't visited us in a long time...You know you want to come and see us...You know you want a Whopper." Upon hearing the beckoning call of the Burger King, I immediately had a hankerin' (for those of you unfamiliar with this means I wanted it real bad) for some totally unhealthy fast food. But, first, I went to the bank.

After finishing my banking, I had a decision to make...Do I do the right thing and bypass the Burger King and instead get lunch at a place where I had healthy options...Or do I give into the darkness within me and head to the home of the "Whopper?" (I'm not really sure why I keep putting "Whopper" in quotations...probably because I'm just so amazed by its being that I want to draw more attention to it). Well, because I, like many others, struggle to defeat the darkside, I gave in rather than putting up a fight. I'm pretty sure I had come up with some sort of justification in my mind, but after consuming my value meal, I have no clue what brought about my defeat.

So, I pulled up to the little voicebox to place my order. "I'd like a number one, with cheese, extra mayo (hey, if I'm gonna be bad, why not clog an artery while I'm at it), onion rings instead of fries (onion rings are a must...this will be apparent later), and an iced tea." I then drove up to the first window and paid the guy the $4.20 for this manly feast I was about to receive and consume. From there, it was on to the second window where the BK employee would give me my spectacular value meal. In my mind, it was as if I had been chosen to be knighted...but instead of having a sword beat on my shoulders and that whole grandiose thing, I was simply handed the holy grail...the number one with cheese, onion rings, and iced tea.

I drove home as quickly as possible...cutting through some backlots and creating my own shortcuts through places that had signs that said "employees only" and "no thru traffic." I figured I had already turned to the darkside by giving the Burger King money that would purchase food that will eventually contribute to some sort of health complication that will ultimately result in death...but not any time will just have helped. There was a level of excitement as I drove anticipation of the glorious tastes that were about to explode in my mouth, treating my tastebuds to pure, unaltered ecstasy!

I entered our home and sat down at the table. I quickly pulled all of my food out of the bag and began to prepare for my feast. I made a quick trip to the fridge for some ketchup (I always need extra ketchup...for the rings and the burger). I unwrapped the monster of a sandwich and pulled the top bun off to lovingly gaze at the ingredients that had been so carefully placed on my burger...cheese, lettuce, mayo, tomato, onion, was beautiful! So, I did what any lover of the "Whopper" and onion rings would do...I took several onion rings and placed them on top of the hamburger and then gently placed the bun back on top. Then, I squished (is that how you spell it? I smashed the thing is what I'm trying to say) so the "whopper" could fit into my mouth. Here was the moment of truth...the first bite.

I held the sandwich up to my mouth. As I began to open my mouth to insert the burger for my first bite, I swear that tears began to form in my eyes. It could have been my allergies or something like that...but, I remember thinking to myself, "Self, this is a beautiful moment! It's been a long time since you've enjoyed a 'Whopper.' This is going to be good...very good." So, I take my first bite and declared...out loud..."Dang! That's a tasty burger." I grabbed the iced tea to help wash down the first bite. Shear joy erupted in my entire being. Wow! What a burger! So, I began to alternate between bites of the sandwich and the remainder of my onion rings that didn't make the cut to be placed on the burger.

About half-way through the sandwich, I came to the realization that this was bad...very bad. But, I was at the point of no return. I had already stumbled over to the darkside...I might as well finish before I try to make my return to all that is good. So, I finished the sandwich and onion rings. And, now, as I sit here writing, I feel like crap. I want to go wash my face because it feels greasy...which is often how fast food makes me feel. I want to go make myself vomit because my stomach is so full and weighted down that I'm ridiculously uncomfortable. I want to make a vow to never go to Burger King again! I feel awful. I feel guilty for having given in to something that I knew was wrong. I feel like I need to repent or something. I wonder if the confessional is open over at St. Mary's. I'm not Catholic, but I feel like I need to confess all of this to a priest and have him give me some "Hail Mary's" or something.

And, I started thinking...this is how sin often leaves us feeling...awful, guilty, wishing there was something we could do to just make ourselves better. Sometimes we feel full of all that is bad. Sometimes we feel absolutely empty. Sometimes we come to the realization that we need Someone to come and make us help us return to who we were meant to be...not the gluttonous fool we've become. I knew the ultimate result of going to Burger King, yet I chose to go through the drive thru anyway. Often, we know what the results of our sinful actions will be, yet we still find ourselves tripping up. In college, one of my friends said, "We've got to sin-it-up while we're young. We've got the rest of our lives for forgiveness." Isn't that sad? That's cheap grace...where we do the things we no better than to do, knowing that God will ultimately forgive us when we come to Him. I've got some thoughts on that...maybe I'll write more later, this is already long enough.

But, I just came to the realization as I finished my "Whopper" that maybe my life would glorify God a bit more if I'd stop and think through my actions...if I looked at every moment (yes, EVERY moment) of my life as though it was an act of worship...time with act of praise. There is a better way than having it my way (hahaha, that's know because of the Burger King jingle..."have it your way!"...hahaha). The better way is having it His way. Would God not want me to eat a "Whopper?" I don't know...but I don't think He'd want me to feel as awful as I do right now just because of something I ate. God created us to live and to enjoy life...we need to remember that and stop doing stuff that makes us feel awful. No more Burger King for me...well, for now...maybe...Have you seen those Hershey's chocolate pies they have?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi...

I picked up a new book last night. It's by my favorite praise and worship guy, David Crowder. I've always loved his songwriting...So, I figured his book couldn't be too bad. Well, so good! The book is called Praise Habit: Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi.

As I was reading this morning, Crowder touched on the only appropriate reaction we can have to the saving grace of Jesus Christ...Praise! Here's a little bit that spoke to me this morning:

"What choice is there but to respond in praise? Praise is fundamentally a responding to the initiations and intimations of God. The way of living praise sets out to find God's revelation, to carry God's intentions for His creation into our everyday comings and goings. And this way of life should be so compelling and mysterious and other-than that people see us coming from a long way off and it stops them in their tracks and they wait and watch just to see our exchanges and wonder at this life that has been chosen and how to put it on and what is this deeper, truer way of living anyway?"

May we become a people "living praise" so that others will naturally be drawn the the Son because of the "compelling" and "mysterious" nature of our life of praise.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesdays with Morris...Random Thoughts

As I sat down to write this mornings "Tuesdays with Morris" article, I struggled with a topic or Scripture to focus on...However, as I am writing...there is an issue popping into my head...Of course, with my short attention span...who knows how long the thoughts on this issue will last. So, I better get down to business.

Well, I bet you're asking yourself, "Self, what issue is Jason going to write about this morning?" I'm glad you asked. The issue is...(cue the dramatic music...dun, dun, dun!) SIN! Argh! Did I just write sin? Oh crap! I'm not allowed to talk about sin...Oh wait, yeah I am!

Lately, I've been paying attention to how Christians and the church approach the issue of sin. It seems to be that Christian churches like to talk about particular sins, rather than sin as a whole. It also appears that the Christian church likes to discipline people that struggle with particular sins, and overlook others. If you need to know what the American evangelical church thinks about homosexuality or abortion or drinking or smoking, you don't have to look very far. However, if you want to know the churches stand on adultery, lust, gluttony, greed, and so might be harder to figure out.

Have you ever noticed that some of the most vocal Christians on the airwaves that lash out against homosexuality tend to be well-dressed, overweight, judgmental freaks? I'm sorry...that wasn't a very nice thing to say. Or have you noticed that many of the Christians that appear on television programs say some of the dumbest and most hateful things? Aren't we supposed to be about love, grace, and mercy.

See, the problem is that we have reduced sin to issues of morality (for the most part). Many of us look at particular issues instead of the root cause...the evil that dwells within. We were created for good...yet so many of us are so bad. I like to think I'm a good person. But, I can be one of the most hateful people if you make me mad. There's this dark side within me that just wants to stomp out any of the good that might come from me. Sin separates us from God. Sin is more than whether a person is gay, a murderer, an adulterer, or so on.

Those things are sin...but they aren't the only sins. We can do good things for the wrong reasons and because our motive is selfish...we are in sin. The Scriptures talk about how even our thoughts are sinful. If we even look at a person lustfully, Jesus says we have committed adultery. Our thoughts...sinful??? But, I didn't actually do it! Well, that's not the issue...if our thoughts draw us away from God...we are separated from Him...and it is sin that separates us from God.

I think the big thing with sin is that the church and Christians need to get honest about the subject. We need to not reduce it to a few issues that we don't struggle with. We need to speak out as much about greed, self-control, lust, etc. as we do many of the hot issues that are dealt with from week to week. We need to stop categorizing sin as bad, badder, and baddest. We need to call sin sin. And, we need to follow through with a little church discipline. The Scripture is full of instructions on how to deal with a brother or sister that is in the wrong. The church needs to not be afraid to call people even ask people to leave if they continue on in their sin when it is addressed.

The church needs to be open and honest. The church needs to not worry what people/the world will think. The church needs to stand under the word of God and let it guide and direct us. We need to stop fighting about whether drinking or smoking are wrong (which you won't find a lot of Scriptural defense for) and start dealing with the bigger issue of sin. We need to stop being nice and talking about the things we don't struggle with and start speaking from our weakness. In my weakness...He is strong.

We need to get to the place where we don't think of ourselves as better than others because we don't stumble on the things that trip them up. I don't struggle with homosexuality...but I swear like a, am I any better than the one who struggles with homosexuality...or are we both broken vessels in need of a healing touch from our wonderful Maker?

Okay, that's enough incoherent rambling...None of this probably makes any sense...I just went off on a little tantrum and probably failed to get across the point I hoped to. But, hopefully this will make us all think about the big picture of sin and help us to stop reducing sin to a few actions.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Blue Like Jazz...

I just started reading a book by Don Miller called, "Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality." I'm only in the second chapter, but, so far I'm really digging this book. As I started reading the second chapter this morning, a couple of sentences immediately grabbed my attention (maybe because they were in the second paragraph or maybe because I think they speak a good bit of truth).

"I believe that the greatest trick of the devil is not to get us into some sort of evil but rather to have us wasting time. This is why the devil tries so hard to get Christians to be religious. If he can sink a man's mind into habit, he will prevent his heart from engaging God." (Don Miller, Blue Like Jazz).

This is an intriguing thought...The devil wants us to waste time being religious! Have you ever thought about the difference between having faith/having a relationship with Jesus Christ and being religious? Religion is about the way we practice our belief. Many times we can get caught up in the practice...making sure we do our prayer, do our devotions, go to worship, raise our hands when we sing, bow our heads when we pray, do this, do that...and if we do all these things we'll be close to God. I'm not saying those things are bad. But, often times, if we get too caught up in the doing of these things, we miss out on letting God speak to us through the ordinary things of our daily lives. Having faith/having a relationship with Jesus Christ is about the heart. It's not so much about what we's about the condition of our heart. Now, many of the "practices" of religion help our hearts get into don't count them out. But, too many of us simply go through the motions instead of setting ourselves up in positions where God can shake us up.

Well, today, I think I might spend some time trying to figure out what religious habits are keeping my heart from being engaged by and with God.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Great News for Ball State Football...(Please Note the Sarcastic Tone)

Well, folks, there is great news today for the struggling Ball State football program. Not only has Dante Ridgeway declared himself eligible for the NFL draft...Adell Givens, probably the 2nd best offensive player on last years team and the person that Brady Hoke was probably planning to carry the program this coming season, has been kicked off the team.

Now, here's the part that bothers me the most...Hoke did not indicate a reason outside of Givens violating team policy. Well, Cardinal fans want...and deserve to know the reason. Is Givens gone because of academic reasons? Is Givens gone because of drug use? Is Givens gone because of some kind of trouble with the law?

Seeing as how pathetic Ball State football has been in the last several years, when one of the top players is dismissed from the team...people deserve an open, honest explanation from the program.

Well, I guess this looks like it will be another "promising, rebuilding" year for the Cardinal football program. Maybe we'll go .500 for the season...maybe, just maybe!!!

Star Press Article on Givens

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Christian Chat Rooms???

What in the world? A couple of weeks ago, I read an article by an emerging church leader that I greatly respect. In the article, he encouraged people to enter into chat rooms in order to see what people are talking about. I thought this seemed like a pretty good idea.

So, I logged onto my AOL account and entered a few chat rooms. The first was one called "the coffeehouse." It was pretty interesting...mainly a lot of talk concerning politics, coffee, music, and movies. The next two rooms I logged into were both Christian chat rooms. I visited "born again" and "bible fellowship."

The term "Christian" when used with a chat room is obviously used loosely. The conversation in the Christian chat rooms really wasn't any different than the non-Christian room...well, except when people start talking politics. It's fairly well-known that many American evangelicals feel that to be a Christian one has to be a conservative Republican. I've searched the Scriptures and haven't found the basis for this line of thought. Well, anyone that would question the current leadership in the US was immediately attacked...called a follower of Satan...told that they could not be a Christian...and worse. Most in these chat rooms said Christian = Republican based on moral values. Well, if you start questioning moral values such as peace, war, education, poverty, and so on...these people start going on and on about abortion and gay marriage. As Jim Wallis points out...there are more than 2 moral values that Christians should be concerned how we go into way and whether we're telling the truth about it...and how we care for the poor...and so on. People will start throwing out Scriptures that say you are to support governmental leaders. This is true. Of course, for many in these Christian chat rooms, this only applies to the United States. If you about leaders of other Castro or the guy in France that I can't even attempt to spell his name...well, they don't count...God didn't appoint them to leadership...or so they say. But, does supporting mean that you can't question what they do? For me, to support our leaders means to lift them up in prayer and follow the laws of the land.

Well, anyway, if you're looking for a good laugh and some theologically incorrect banter...Christian chat rooms are the place! Give 'em a try!