Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My New Favorite Author...Donald Miller

This afternoon, I received a new book in the mail, "Searching for God Knows What" by Donald Miller. Some of you may remember that a while back I was reading Miller's book, "Blue Like Jazz," which I highly recommend to everyone. Well, I just finished the first chapter of "Searching for God Knows What" and I feel like I could keep reading all day. In the first chapter, Miller talks about our journey with God. He talks about how a lot of Christian writing (and preaching too) seems to reduce following God to a few practical steps. He refers to the whole "self-help" model of Christianity. He then points out how the "self-help" model really doesn't seem to line up with the Bible. He shows how there just don't seem to be any sound formulas that God takes everyone through. He talks about how it seems more like God invites us to fall in love with Him and follow. Following may look different for all of us. Miller writes about how he's read countless self-help books, but has never truly been changed. He writes about how he was never truly changed until he came into a relationship with Jesus. He talks about how the happiest times in his life haven't been when he's had more money, more this, more that, but when he's been in relationship with God and others. So far, so good! Check it out if you get a chance. Posted by Hello

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