Tuesday, June 21, 2005

God is Good!

Sometimes I just have to say that..."God is good!"

Sometimes I just have to remind myself that He is good...He is in control...He is faithful...He is my strength...He is my source...He is my everything.

Sometimes I just have to say these things out loud to remind myself...Because some days I can get so caught up in my frustrations, in the crap that life throws my way that I can easily get distracted from the fact that He is the great "I AM!" I get so focused on the problems I have to deal with today that I forget to look to the only Source that can provide the way out. I center so much of my thoughts on how I'm going to figure the way out that I fail to realize that only He can provide the way out. And, I fail to remember that maybe He doesn't want to provide the great escape right now! Maybe, just maybe, He's trying to get my attention because I so easily forget exactly who He is...

So, today I have to say, "God is Good" because it reminds me of the very fact that He is, in fact, good! It seems like something that should be impossible to forget or to take for granted. But, many of us do just that every day. So, I invite you to remember that He is good...all the time!

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