Thursday, June 16, 2005

Buck Naked Faith

I got another new book. It just came in the mail. The only reason I purchased it was because of it's title, "Buck Naked Faith: A Brutally Honest Look at Stunted Christianity." Sounds like a winner to me! I'll post in the future to let you know what I really think about the book. I do love the first words on the back cover, "Take off your designer, postmodern phoniness. Strip off your pretty-sounding words. Get your faith naked." Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

How'z the book? Is it worth the read or just another catchy title will very little substance?

Jason Morris said...

In all's a catchy title. I must say I was more than a bit disappointed. The book started off giving me the idea that it would be some kind of great insight into postmodern Christianity. Instead, it's sort of a weak users guide to a hyper-modern faith. So, to me, it's not worth the read.