Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Clarification on Prosperity Gospel

I've had a few questions regarding my post concerning the prosperity gospel. I have been asked if my comments were directed towards things that have been said at Center Chapel. To make myself perfectly clear, the answer is NO! I have absolutely no problems with what has been said or taught at Center Chapel concerning God's favor, blessings, and prosperity. My comments toward the prosperity gospel have to do with a recent book that is climbing the best seller charts. This particular book basically twists Biblical concepts into a get-rich-quick scheme. People are reading this book as though it is a strong representation of God's plan for our lives. Yet, on a theological and Scriptural standpoint, it comes up very, very weak.

This past Sunday, Pastor Rusty did talk about being in God's favor, receiving God's blessings, and prospering. However, unlike those that preach the prosperity gospel, Pastor Rusty always brings it back to God's will. Prosperity gospel preachers make their hearers and readers believe that we can somehow manipulate God's will...that we can change God's plans for our lives. The big thing is that if it isn't within His will, it's not going to be what's best for us.

So, to be clear, I do believe that we can be in God's favor. I do believe God wants to bless us. I do believe God wants us to prosper. But, it's not by our doing, but only by His power. My problems with the prosperity gospel center around their lack of including God's will in the whole picture...simply telling us if we believe, if we have more faith, we will get what we want. That can be true, as long as what we want is in line with God's good and perfect will.

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