Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Lights, Camera, Power!!!

Have you ever seen any of those "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" books? They kind of crack me up. They talk about how all the small, mundane details of life shouldn't get in the way of how we live our lives. Well, maybe you've also seen the "Sweat the Small Stuff" books. These books talk about how we should concern ourselves with the small things in life because how we react to the small stuff will have a big impact on how we react to the big stuff too.

No matter which side of the fence you fall on (either sweating or not) isn't a big issue. At least not to me. God will work it out with you and show you the areas of life where you need to sweat more or less.

Well, after a week of not having power...Emily and I finally got our electric back this evening. Around 6:30pm, I heard the furnace kick on. What a glorious sound!

Over the past week, Em and I realized how ridiculous it was for us to get upset about our situation. Sure, not having power was an inconvenience. But, we had warm places to stay, food to eat, and opportunities to spend time with friends and family that we would not have had otherwise. In light of all that's going on in our world today, not having power for a week is no big deal. We have friends fighting horrible diseases/illnesses. There are hundreds of thousands of people that have died as a result of the tsunami. California has been wrecked by mudslides. Many in our own city don't have warm food and places to stay...regardless of the power outages.

It's so selfish of me to get worked up about these earthly things. We're called to set our sights on things above and not to get caught up in the things of this world. The week-long power outage served as a great reminder of least for me.

"We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it." (Proverbs 16:9, The Message)

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