Monday, May 09, 2005

Fan Into Flame

Sometimes I wonder if I'm using the gifts God has given me in appropriate ways. What I mean in saying "appropriate ways" is, I wonder if I'm using my gifts the way God wants me to...that I'm not slacking off. God gifts each believer and, expects each of us to use those gifts to help bring about His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We aren't given gifts to use them here and there...We are given gifts to use them in any way possible, at all times. If we neglect our gifts, they can become stale. We are to put our gifts into practice. It's sort of like swimming or riding a bike...If you don't swim or ride for a while, you don't necessarily forget how to do it. But, you're not as fast, you don't have the endurance, and you wear out easily. I remember getting back into the swimming pool for my first workout in years. In my head, I knew what I should be doing for a good workout. I knew what I was capable of doing years ago. So, I set out thinking to myself, "Self, it can't really be that hard to get back into this." Well, after getting about a quarter of the way through my workout, I realized I needed to slowly work my way back into this. I had become rusty. And, that same thing happens when we put our gifts aside. It takes us a while to get back to where we once were. So, we are not to neglect these gifts, but to use them faithfully. I don't know...I was just thinking along these lines while drinking a cup of coffee this morning. Can you imagine the kind of impact we believers could have on the world if we all sought to use our gifts to bring about the Kingdom each and every moment of every day?

"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:6-7)

God wants us to go out and make a difference in the world, using our gifts by the power, love, and self-discipline of His spirit. How are you using your gifts today?

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