Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Two Things...

This morning, I was reading Mark 9. Two things really stood out during my readings...

First, in verses 14-32, the story of Jesus healing a boy with an evil spirit is told. The father brings the boy and basically says, "Help us if you can!" Jesus looks and him and says, "If I can???" I can imagine Jesus...probably being a bit sarcastic in his response. He tells the guy that all things are possible if he would only believe. The man's response is what really stood out to me. He says, "I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief." I understand where the man's coming from...I do believe, yet often I have these doubts and say things like..."Jesus, if you can help me..." Of course He can help me! I need Jesus to help me overcome my unbelief too.

Secondly, in verse 35 Jesus says, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." Jesus basically bashes the way our world is structured. Our culture tells us to do all we can to be the best, to be number one, to win, to make as much as we can, to do whatever it takes to get all the stuff we want. But, Jesus flips this around...if you want to be great, humble yourself, if you want to come in first place, find out how to serve those around you. Jesus tells us it's not about's about serving Him and serving others. It's not about getting as much as we can, but giving as much as we can. It's not about how much we can be served, by how much we can serve.

If I could only overcome my unbelief, maybe I'd learn how to humble myself and serve others.

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